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Emissions目标越来越严格, industrial operators need to optimise their assets to remain compliant and competitive.


解雇加热器 in refineries or petrochemical facilities are typically among the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions and therefore offer the greatest opportunity for efficiency increase and emission reduction.


With the global demand for hydrogen expected to increase eightfold by 2050, most of which will be generated by thermal processes using fired 热ers, 这个过程必须脱碳, ,很快, 实现净零目标.

作为许多化学过程的关键组成部分, fired 热ers will continue to play a key role but need to do so in a more efficient and environmentally friendly way.


Wood helps downstream operators stay compliant and profitable through the energy transition by eliminating inefficiencies, capturing and monitoring emissions and applying the latest technology to get the most out of fired 热ers, 以最小的投资成本.


The need for change has never been greater in our industries, 我们对待地球的方式, 以及我们的生活方式. United by a common purposed to unlock solutions to the world’s most critical challenges, we seek new possibilities to improve the world today and tomorrow.

Increase throughput and profitability with greater efficiency and extended asset life
Meet environmental targets with reduced Fuels consumption and emissions
Reduce downtime with new process technology and optimised maintenance


Wood also provides 克劳斯硫磺技术 with a proprietary acid gas burner design to manage and reduce SOx emissions:

  • 增加或修改尾气单元(SOx和CO2)
  • 加碱洗涤器
  • Optimising tail gas incinerators further reduces CO2 emissions
  • Emissions监测 设想


测试你的知识 or see how much Fuels and emissions you could save

Book a meeting or send a message directly to our fired 热er specialists
